Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails...

That's what little boys are made of!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Landon at 2

We celebrated Landon's second birthday 7/14/10. We had a awesome birthday party for him this past Sunday.

2 year stats....

* 35 3/4 inches tall (87%)

* 28.14 lbs (56%)

* he has outgrown most 24 month stuff and wears 2T clothes

* shoe size 7 (which he will surely be out of by the fall)

* he knows his ABC's

* he can count to 16 (that's how many steps are in Nana's house)

* he LOVES country music and can sing the entire song "Smile" by Uncle Kracker

* I can carry on full conversations with you, there are very very few times that I just can't understand what you are saying

* he loves to run and jump off anything

* he loves elephants

* The Backyardigans can hold off a tantrum

* he throws some amazing tantrums

* he hates "time out" worse than a spanking

* he is stubborn as a mule

* he is doing awesome at his new daycare

* he loves to go to the camp and ride the ram

* he wants to walk around without his shirt on like "Unc Derrill"

* he plays Nafens (Nathan) guitar while singing the above mentioned "Smile"

* he loves to swim and is doing pretty amazing without having any swim lessons

* he loves his Unc Daniel and Aunt Shanna

* he looks forward to going to GiGi's after daycare and getting 2 oatmeal cookies

* he likes to go look at the cranes at Edwards

* he knows the difference between all the equipment

* he loves to wear his flip flops

* he likes to drink water from the water hose

* we are working on potty training, he goes through spurts of being interested - we're not pushing it

* he loves tractors - to look at them, not to ride them

* he's a mama's boy - I love it

* he has a total sweet tooth

* he'd rather snack than sit down and eat a meal

* he is a meat and potatoes boy - rice is his favorite carb

* spaghetti is his favorite meal

* he likes to drink pickle juice like his mama

* he's a total ham :-)

* he eats oatmeal just about every morning for breakfast - sometimes Nana lets him have a cream pie

*he sleeps in a full "big boy" bed - with railings still cause he's a WILD man when he sleeps

* he has all his teeth except for the 2 year molars - I'm dreading the 2 year molars

* he has to brush his teeth first, then you can help - he always has to go first

* Our night time prayer is singing "He's got the whole world" and going through the entire family, dogs included - his favorite part of the song is at the end when we sing "he's got you and me in his hands."

* when we say the blessing before eating, he loves to put his hands together but can't keep his eyes closed for the life of him and when we are all done, he says "that's funny"

* curious george is his security blanket

* he understands that mommy has a boo boo and can't pick him up and has to walk on crutches - he enjoys getting my crutches for me

* he loves to sweep and mop - or do anything to help out - he's a good helper, I hope this quality doesn't change

* he is the most amazing person that I know and is by far the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me

I'm sure there are lots more "little things" about Landon that I am leaving out but these are some of the highlights. I can't believe my little guy is 2. He is the light of my life.

We had a visit from out friends Ashleigh, Russell and Hayden this past weekend. They had never met Landon and we had never met Hayden. We hadn't seen them since I was 8 months pregnant with Landon. Landon took a liking to Hayden, which is not suprising, he is a flirt.

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